Social Connections
Luncheon Club
This is a lunch Club for older members of the Village. It is very casual with the emphasis being on friendship and the enjoyment of sharing a meal together. It is a Community based event, you don’t have to be a Church attender, and anyone who is interested in joining us will be made welcome.
Network is a group that caters for the fellowship needs of older folk in the church.
We meet regularly on the third Tuesday afternoon of each month at 2.30 and usually have a speaker to tell us about an area of Christian work or to share about their Christian journey or a special holiday they have enjoyed. We pray for others and collect money for the Bible Society's scheme "Bible a Month" and other Christian charities.
Knit and Natter
The Knit 'n' Natter Group meets on the second Tuesday of the month usually in someone’s home at 2.00pm. We not only knit but we crochet, make cards, do tapestry or cross stitch and other crafts that people are interested in. Sometimes we do have a group project but other times we do our own thing. Anyone is welcome to join us at any time. Tea, coffee and biscuits also feature in our time together. To find out more contact Elaine Pinborough.