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We are a friendly welcoming church. Our desire is to help you meet with God and to provide a framework and atmosphere that will enable that, no matter what background you come from. Being a community is important to us and we try to be relevant to your needs. Our worship style encompasses lively modern songs with more traditional hymns. Our commitment is to making Jesus known. We have a strong youth and children's work that is led by a part-time youth worker and volunteers. We are actively involved in our local community, sharing the love of Jesus.

We share some activities during the year with our sister churches in the village: St Marys, (Church of England), Capel Community Church and the Roman Catholic community.

We are also part of the Ipswich Methodist Circuit which currently has 22 churches, 4 ministers and a growing number of Lay Employees.   Find out more about the  Ipswich Methodist Circuit.

The Ipswich Circuit is part of the East Anglia Methodist District which includes Norfolk and Suffolk and Cambridgeshire. Find out more about the  East Anglian Methodist District.

Each Church, Circuit and District is part of the Methodist Connexion. The British Methodist Connexion includes all the districts of Scotland, Wales and England, along with the Isle of Man, the Channel Islands and Shetland. Find out more about the British Methodist Connexion.