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Upcoming Sunday Services

We meet at 10.30 am for worship and the service is also live-streamed, with catch-up available later in the day.  We’d love for you to join us physically in church, but the option is there for those who are ill, needing to protect themselves and for those preferring a different time to Sunday morning.

For updates to our service schedule please check the future services page. 

Please come and join us if you can!

To start live streaming click on the following link; 

Live Sunday service




 Busy Bees Toddler Group is every Wednesday from 9.30-11.30am

All Mums/Dads/Grandparents/Carers welcome with your little ones.

Come and enjoy a coffee and a chat while the children play.

Toys, crafts, singing, stories and snack.

£1 per family.


Messy Church is generally once a month but dates vary.

Each month details of the forthcoming session are shared on our FaceBook page.

The next messy church is

Saturday 1st March


A time of fun games, crafts, songs, bible stories and FOOD

All FREE but donations for the work of Messy Church always welcome.


Please book in at

All welcome. Children must be accompanied by an adult.


For more on the regular activities in the life of our church, see our community pages: